A book of fairy tales from Flowerland*

It's Sunday and the sky is brimming with pleasant feelings. The sun is fetching for my smile, and the air is making me sweat honey.  The fawn is frolicked by the wandering snow.  I'd introduce Spring, but I know better. The temperamental climate has secret motives.   Looking through rose colored glasses at the fruitful weather.  It's day's like this, I'm glad to be landlocked..*

"Every boy and girl—and for that matter every man and woman, too—rejoices when the winter snows have vanished and the earth once more puts on her beautiful dress of green, for then the flowers wake from their sleep and clothe the earth with beauty"     Hundreds of years ago, before clocks or watches were invented, people used to tell the time by means of flowers.. 

The television is whistling, and the forecast spooks my foolery. "Scattered flurries...."
I have eyes for spring. The moody weather keeps me waiting..
By the first blink of warm weather, my hopes' for Spring swallow me.  Instead of bare legged fun, the beatings of my wintered heart collect dust. March holds a beacon for wintry clouds.  I must wait for the loving little flowers, and the fragrant clusters.  It's too soon to wish for flowering. In a matter of hours, the sun will be busy buried in the clouds...*  

For the threads, and the fashion..    The rose colored bow tie is my ornament.  I believe in symmetry, thereupon I love bows... Wound, and snapped to my collar.  The two opposite pink ends forming loops around my neck.   
The blouse is a vintage find.  It bends, and falls from my breast to my belly.  
The posy skirt is from Top Shop. 

"To its devotees the bow tie suggests iconoclasm of an Old World sort, a fusty adherence to a contrarian point of view. The bow tie hints at intellectualism, real or feigned, and sometimes suggests technical acumen, perhaps because it is so hard to tie. Bow ties are worn by magicians, country doctors, lawyers and professors and by people hoping to look like the above. But perhaps most of all, wearing a bow tie is a way of broadcasting an aggressive lack of concern for what other people think."

"I am mistress of the bluebells, and hare-bells, and forget-me-nots, and all the sweet blue flowers."

It's hard to please your body with a new outfit when your room is in an awful state.  If I had my druthers, my room would clean its self.  Sadly, this room, where I rest, is blemished,  and covered in messiness. Clothes here, clothes there,mountains here, mountains there.  I need to free my room from anything that dulls or dims.
  Free me from impurities, and unwanted mountains. 

Sunday, the day to pardon my laziness.  I wish to wear bones in the heat of the day. I wish to sleep in the forests, close to the earth..    My eyes droop, and my head yearns for dreaming...  To my chagrin, today's Sunday requires leg work.   The clock positions too quickly for me to sleep.

To galvanize my day, hot sugar coated porridge made of rolled oats. With hidden banana chips beneath the cream. A toothsome way to welcome my Sunday...*

Kisses !!

what i wore
purple blouse- value village $2
pink bow tie- vintage store on 17th $13
heels- Zellers $10
floral skirt- top shop $13

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  1. Anonymous20.3.11

    the best bowtie ive seen. love it. so pretty.

  2. Anonymous20.3.11

    cute outfit :)

  3. Cute outfit! You're so adorable :)

  4. I am so ready for it to be spring! I'm sick of the cold and the rain... I just want it to be warm enough to go outside and sit in the sun without needing to wear a sweater. And don't worry, haha, my room is kind of in a state of disaster right now personally... yours can't be that bad! Maybe I should use this lazy Sunday to do some 'spring cleaning,' except unfortunately homework is calling my name. :P

    I adore the bow tie! It's so cute. :D And I love the ruffles on the shirt, too. Another wonderful outfit!

  5. The bowtie is darling Amy!

    Also, I love your writing. Every post I'm excited to see what outfit you've cooked up, but also your prose. It's gorgeous. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

    Spring come sooner =(


  6. I don't think I'll ever grow tired of the beautiful words you share. Such a beautiful, beautiful soul you have!

  7. You make everyday look like spring don't you in all your florals!

  8. adorable bow tie, very cute addition to the look

  9. Anonymous20.3.11

    love the bowtie such a small piece but it really creates the look x

  10. beautiful post!

  11. I love this outfit. You look so adorable. That bow is super cute!

  12. your outif is so cute.I really like the blouse! it's so sweet. nice choice. xoxo http://ulifestyle.blogspot.com/

  13. fantastic skirt, i want similar one!

  14. Oh my Gosh I love your blouse! Thanks for lovely comment! Hope you visit back :)

  15. hi lovely.
    hope you're enjoying your weekend, these photos are great. love that blouse.

  16. Adorable! I love the femininity of the ruffles and the flower patterned skirt. A lovely combination! That bow tie ties everything together so well.


  17. This is such a sweet outfit. Love the addition of the bow tie :)

  18. Love your lipstick color, it makes you a real doll!

  19. Your outfit is just totally adorable. Love all of it.


  20. i love the bow tie and the floral skirt, and your lipstick is such a cute color :)

    <3 steffy

  21. beautiful, the print on your skirt is so lovely and your top is really pretty with the bow tie :) xo

  22. Amy, I love your writing style. You are so sweet.

    Looking forward to coffee and photos when I get back from San Francisco. <3

    PS. love this whole outfit. Especially the blouse. gorgeous.

  23. Amy- you somehow manage to convey both wisdom and innocence in your writing, a lovely and refreshing rarity. The outfit too posesses a charming quirkiness yet exudes a certain refinement, it's just wonderful. You've brightened my day love. xx

  24. Love your bow tie--nice lipstick color!


  25. Anonymous20.3.11

    very soxy! :)

    love the cute shoes!

  26. I totally adore this outfit. The gorgeous blouse and bow tie You have inspired me to get a bow tie. But I wont look as cute as you. knee highs This outfit made my day x

  27. Wow you look so stunning! I just discovered your blog, fabulous!

  28. sooo adorable :) love this!

  29. Thank you for your sweet comments! I love this outfit, so very cute and the bowtie is perfection.

    I remember you saying on our jelly shoe post that you wanted some of your own, so I thought I'd let you know that I have a pale pink heeled pair that I think I'm gonna sell, if you're interested! They're a size 37ish.

  30. You seriously look like the most perfect vintage porcelain doll :)

  31. Thank you for your lovely comment on my collection of porceline animals! Your blog is so pretty!! Your clothes are also gorgeous.

    I will be stopping by again :)

    Xx Claire

  32. Anonymous21.3.11

    Gorgeous outfit! <3

  33. that blouse is so pretty!!!! and i hope you get to languish in the warm sun soon :)

  34. What a darling little bow tie! I love your poetic writing style, too. Some awesome $5 words in there... "toothsome" is one of my personal favorites :D

    You really look like a million bucks! I assumed you were decked out in head-to-toe topshop/f21/h&m/zara etc. Really fooled me!

    I love your blog and I'm excited to be following you from now on :)


  35. oh how pretty! i love the light in the last lot of photos

  36. Anonymous21.3.11

    always such a fan!
    keep the inspiration coming!


  37. I love so much you look! The pink bow is so cute!

  38. Anonymous22.3.11

    everything works so well together, you know how to put a look together. i love the blouse because it looks so delicate. the bow and the lipstick matches so well together, they make you look so romantic. the skirt is so adorable, i love the print. but what i love the most are the ruffles

  39. Anonymous22.3.11

    Can I just be you for the day! YOU are so beautiful

  40. The bow is so adorable.It adds a nice touch to the outfit.

  41. Cute! Love the bow! Your blog is adorable!

    I can't wait for warmer weather either. And I also need to clean my room too. I know what you mean about mountains of clothes!

    Love me...Love me not

  42. Anonymous22.3.11

    The bow tie is so nice . I love the pretty girly colors. And your words so charming

  43. hey! I like your outfit so much:the skirt is amazing, the shirt fabulous and your boots...great!
    I like your blog too!
    I follow you. visit me; if u like it follow me back...I hope so.
    I'm expecting for you!
    thanks, v


  44. so chic, i love all the cute details and the color pallet.

    --Style Interplay--

  45. you look great!!xx


  46. hey!! thank you so much!! your blog is amazing too! im following! :D so cool your outfit! Follow me :D



  47. LOVELY LOOK!!! As always!!

    You changed your blog header and wallpaper!! It's so nice!!

    "Clodet-Illustrations by Clau" www.clodet-illustrations.blogspot.com


  48. I seriously love everything about this outfit! Especially the bowtie! Yours is so adorable (: I definitely have to go on a search for one now!

  49. I can't believe you only paid 2 bucks for that beautiful ruffle blouse!!! I want one now!

    PS...I couldn't help but follow you. I love seeing your pictures!


  50. Your writing is just so beautiful--every word lingers. I love it, you're definitely a talented writer. And, your outfit is adorable. :)

  51. Awesome bow tie! I have two that I am itching to wear when the weather gets bareable enough for a collar :)

  52. oh my goodness!! perfectly adorbs.
