weardrobe conference day 1

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hello my lovely little birds!@!! It's been months since I've consistently posted. I apologize. My summer has been busy. I recently traveled to New York City with Rich, Suz, and Jess from weardrobe.com, along with other beautiful fashion bloggers. I've been delighted and blessed. Inviting me to New York has brought to me the deepest thankfulness, and love for my life. I feel lucky. I cannot thank weardrobe enough or pick enough flowers in memory of their sweetness and warming ways. Also, my deepest love is sent to all the other fashion bloggers, you made New York shine even brighter than it already did :)

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Day 1.
With all the butterflies I was feeling, you'd think my stomach was a garden. I woke up in the Gramercy Hotel, and looked to see the red velvet curtains. I pulled them back to look through the window. My eyes were amazed by sky scrapers, flowers, and trees. I never expected the busy streets of NYC to look like such a garden. My mom and brother were fortunate to stay in the penthouse, a few doors down from Rich, Suz, and Jess's suite. Being a shy girl who rarely strays from her comfort zone, I felt scared to knock on the door of 1704 and say "hello I'm Amy!" But I did it! Suz, Jess, and Rich all looked so vibrant, and real. They greeted me with such kindness and adoration. Soon after, more girls started to head to the penthouse suite. It was surreal to meet beautiful, young, eccentric women who shared a love for fashion, and a love for blogging. After introductions, eye glances, and smiles, we met with photographer Eddie Newton. We juggled through the streets, snapping photo's, running around in high heels...

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snapping shoe shots before more pictures..

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photographed; eddie newton
Faboo, Style Magnet
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photographed; eddie newton

After bonding through photography, we went back to the suite to find two big totes packed with goodies. Not just any goodies, a watch, shoes, scarfs, rings, tights.... my deepest love and gratitude is sent to all of the following sponsors.... You sure know how to make a girl's dreams come true!

Nooka (watches)
Seychelles (shoes)
ShopRuche (scarf & ring)
Necklush (necklushie necklace)
Victoria's Secret (lace undies)
Modcloth ("weardrobe dress")
Cheap Monday (jeans & tee)
Need Supply (moleskin notebooks)
80's Purple (sunnies & tees)
Hayden Harnett (green is good tote)
Bing Bang (earrings)
Who What Wear (book)

Knock Out (nailpolish)

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The night finished with a pizza partaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I'll bring to you more photographs, and day recaps within this sunny week. Mwah! kiss!

may time square shine as bright as yoooooou. xo

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photographed; eddie newton


  1. Anonymous13.9.09

    you are such a lucky gal =)

  2. Anonymous13.9.09

    I loved reading your take on the conference. You all sure did hit the jackpot with those goodie bags!

  3. sounds like such a fun time!

  4. Don't you just love free stuff? I love those red boots you got, can't wait to see what else happen.

  5. I am so jealous!!:) Looks like you had a good time!!:):)

  6. I'm glad you had a great time! Amazing pictures! And you all look so fantastic.

  7. Wow what an amazing experience. So jealous but so happy that you were able to experience all of this!

  8. hiii! Looks like you had a great time! you are gorgeous!

  9. your trip looks sooo amazingly fun! i wish i could have gone to something like that!


  10. These are great photos, looks like a lot of fun times.
    Thanks for the sweet comment. x)

  11. the last pic is so cheery :D
    love jumpshots


  12. Anonymous14.9.09

    You all look great. That's awesome that you got to go. Fabulous photos. x

  13. looks like a lot of fun!!!
    You look gorgeous!!!

    And thx for your lovely comment!
    I follow you :D


  14. Oh my, looks like a heavenly time out there!

    juliet xxx

  15. WOOOOO
    looks like fun
    glad you had a fabulous time

  16. This looks like it was a lot of fun! I have been following the event through all these lovely bloggers pics.

    Thank you for the nice comment on my blog. It is a lot of fun having your own place to decorate. I have run out of room, though! Need to move to a bigger place ;)

  17. Anonymous14.9.09

    Looks sooo fun! I'm jealous lol. Great photos btw :)

  18. it looks like you had a lot of fun. thanks for visiting my blog. i hope you have a great day.

  19. Gorgeous photos! I'm so glad you had a great time in NYC. I especially love that shot of all the shoes. Hehe.

  20. amazing!!so jealous that you got invited to NYC for this!! and during fashion week!! and all the goodies you got! amazing, please post more info and pics soon!!

    much love! magpie-girl.blogspot.com xx

  21. That looks like a truly awesome time!

  22. Anonymous14.9.09

    I <3 NYC!!!

  23. these shots are sooo fun!!!!
    especially the last one!

    great blog!


  24. so lucky. looks like you had a fab time!

  25. oh dear,
    i'm so happy that your blog is up and going again! i've missed it. I'm on my way to facebook to take a look at your amazing visit to NY. We must meet, soon.


  26. Anonymous15.9.09

    Love the looks!

    Esp the picture of everyone's shoes. Great shoes!

  27. Wow - you actually got invited? Go Canada.

    I must ask then, were you on Weardrobe this whole summer but just not blogging?

  28. luckyy luckyyy! how did you find this? were u invited??

  29. Your a very lucky girl! You all looked very cute and like you had a great time!

  30. you're really pretty!

    check out my contest

    take care

  31. wow.. this looked so gereat, and so is the blog. LOVE IT! and love your trilbies :) xxx
    i have a blog, quite new, not many posts, but i would love some feedback people :)



  32. so fab

    the crumpet girls

  33. So wonderful pictures!! I love your blog...

  34. too much chic in one place!

    love that jumping pic

  35. aw.... seems like a lot of fun! lucky you to be invited and I agree with damsels... love that jumping pic one :)

  36. it looks like so much fun, and the pictures are lovely, can't wait to hear more about it.

  37. it looks like an amazing weekend.lucky girl.

  38. so awesome! this makes me want to go to new york again.

  39. Anonymous21.9.09

    the last photo is so sweet

  40. I've seen so much coverage of the Weardrobe Conference around! It looks like such a fantastic time. You looked so refreshing in your pretty printed dress. We missed your blogging presence, Amy!!!
