leopard bear.

Good morning Friday, and to the peak of the sun~ The circular shape made of wooden parts chimes in Friday*
The days of week have unhurriedly passed.  At Monday's birth, I was seated on the lowest bench, stretched in trails of restlessness, and ten toes wrinkled in cold waters.  As morning awakens Friday, I'm teeth bent with a whimsical smile...  Alas!  I am untangled from my burdens.

Chewing bubble gum-- and hoping the weekend brings peaceful gatherings.

The week has been gorged with image-bending, wit-sapping, anatomy-straining school work, doctor visits, dentist visits, and a shortness in day dreaming.   To begin the narrative of my week, I will tell you about cavities, cupcakes and tooth-fillings.

For the past two months I've been enduring the aches of a bad tooth. The once porcelain-toned enamel suddenly grew into coal.  Then one day, I was living routine. Parked on the couch while snacking on animal crackers. As I bit into the hippopotamus, there was a sharp texture. My tooth had chipped. Now there was a cavern making a home inside of my tooth, and a sensitivity to cold water to boot.

Without further dreaming for better days, I visited the dentist.  Yesterday, my filling took place. This was my first cavity, and a visit to the dentist is an uncommon adventure. Although, believe me, I'm a tooth brusher..
( hair brusher? That's another narrative. . . .)  

Anyways, a warning was given, a pinch for the needle, but I didn't feel a thing. All I felt was a rumbling belly as I watched cupcake wars on the food network. The dentist drilled through my bad tooth while composing alien sounds with alien instruments. All while I was attached to red velvet cupcakes soaked in caramel.  Television's glued to the roof while the dentist fixes my teeth.  A blessing combination. 

The second chapter to my narrative begins with a new tongue, and a new belly.   On Monday, along with the restlessness, the cavern, and the preparation for school exams, I embarked on a new diet.  Gluten free.  This means no wheat, no barely, no rye.   Gluten free meals are composed of almond flours, brown rice, soy, and anything with the exclamation "gluten free"   Since Monday,  I've made three trips to organic markets, and health food stores.  Stocking up on brown rice pasta's,  cinnamon apple waffles, vanilla & chocolate almond milk, cranberries, pizzas, seasonings, and chocolate wafers.    My breakfasts, lunches, munches, and dinners are filled with palatable food. 

This morning I ate banana oatmeal spiced with cinnamon, sprinkled with white sugars, splashed with vanilla milk.  Highly pleasing to the senses.

My reasoning for embarking on gluten free digestion is because of the chronic belly aches.  Everyday, for the past three years, I've went to bed with hellish sensations and awoke with a cursed stomach.   A week of gluten free, and I'm already feeling a desirable appetite, and preferred belly feelings.

For dinner, it's won ton soup. 

This morning I ate banana oatmeal spiced with cinnamon, sprinkled with white sugars, splashed with vanilla milk.  Highly pleasing to the senses.

My reasoning for embarking on gluten free digestion is because of the chronic belly aches.  Everyday, for the past three years, I've went to bed with hellish sensations and awoke with a cursed stomach.   A week of gluten free, and I'm already feeling a desirable appetite, and preferred belly feelings.

For dinner, it's won ton soup.

Tonight it's a day trip to Vietnam, in the form of vermicelli and won ton soup. Then as dusk begins, I will find myself in a local music house, grooving and fluttering to the old country sounds.  "Oh it is good afar to roam, and seek adventure in strange lands. Yet oh, so good the coming home, the velvet love of little hands"

 As life's handed me sour lemons, I've been abroad from the blog.  Now that my mind is settled, and my task list has shriveled. I am freer to blog postings, and email-sending.  The blog once named http://flyingakite.blogspot.com is now www.amyflyingakite.com. I am thrilled to have a domain, and I hope you update your link lists !!      In the next few weeks flyingakite will be welcoming giveaways, guest bloggers, inspirational postings, along with outfit photographs and daily musings.

These photographs were taken last Saturday. I began the day eating oatmeal and fruit at Denny's with my sugary-coated friend KD.  We spent the daylight hours train-hopping, bus-jumping, and shuffling through the city's transportation.   As we were traveling on foot through the downtown,  we spotted a church dressed in antique stone.   Of course, a flawless theme for outfit photographs.

The day was spent galloping through sunny speech and frosty clouds. As hours passed, we were welcomed by the the evening's rise. With the dark of sky, me and KD seated ourselves in a local pub sipping flower water*gin.  

Kisses !!
let there be singing in your heart*
((P.S The blog header and the exceeded bandwidth will be fixed immediately))  

what i wore
leopard leggings- the bay $20
black floppy hat- jessica simpson from ross for less $20
boots- gift from sponsor atseoul.com
faux fur- value village thriftstore $10
facebook/ twitter/ bloglovin

My dearest followers, friends, and passer bys
I have been happily nominated for a 2011 lovelies award~
If you could take a moment and vote for me..
All you have to do is face book "like" on the following link.
it would warm my heart. Thank YOU!


  1. Sassy! I love this look so much girl. You seriously look stunning and those pants are gorgeous. Where did you get them!? Also..I have been on the gluten free diet too! Pasta was upsetting my stomach so much. Let me know what you think about it after a few months! I definatly noticed a lot of changes (postiive ones!) in my body. Hope you have a wonderful and cheerful Friday lady. Hugs to you. xo

  2. Anonymous25.2.11

    You are always so innocent and sweet looking even when wearing leopard leggings
    With fur boots! You go girl!

    Good luck being gluten free

  3. wonderful outfit dear! very stylish!

    your body is amazing :D


  4. I need that cropped sweater to be mine! That's all. :)

  5. beautiful outfit! you look lovely.

  6. woot woot!!! so happy with how the pics turned out, loveyyyyyy! that was such a nice location, hey? cant wait for us to take more outfit photos esp. on summer timeeeeeeeeeeee!!! love you~

  7. i adore your hat!


  8. OMG YOU LOOK AMAZING! This outfit is sooo chic!

    Stacey Kay
    “Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”
    Free fashion and accessories; this week’s fashion blog giveaways
    My Vintage Handbag Line

  9. A very busy week indeed - your first cavity? You're so lucky!! I love the tv's in the ceiling too - my dentist put a Peter Sellers movie on one day and I was laughing too much for the dentist to do the work!! Your pants are gorgeous - love the pocket detail and I especially adore the boots with the fur - they look so cozy. And a lovely, happy pic of you two cuties:))) xo

  10. Fantastic look and love your blog. :)

  11. Anonymous26.2.11

    Amy flyingakite- I adore you to pieces

  12. Anonymous26.2.11

    the leggins are super stylish
    Your like a rocksttar

  13. love the leopard pants...they are just amazing...i wanna have ones:):)


  14. Love it! You look wonderful! Your hat is amazing!
    Xoxo, K.

  15. Anonymous26.2.11

    OMG! Congratulations about your nomination...I will vote for you in a few! great post...I want every single piece that you are wearing! Lovely...


  16. OMg you are pretty , i like your hat ! x0x0

  17. Your outfit is so cool & you look gorgeous :-)
    I'm happy going to the dentist wasn't such big of a deal for you - the most important thing is that the pain has stopped, right?
    Glutenfree diet sounds very healthy, I might consider that option, too!

    Would you mind checking out my blog? Follow eachother if you like?

  18. Adorable photos! I would love it if we could follow each other. XOXO

  19. Thank you so much! I love the trousers they're so cool! I've already voted, good luck girl!!!

  20. Anonymous26.2.11

    voting for you
    i hope you win youre so beautiful

  21. Love this outfit, such a great combination! I've been looking for a decent & unique fur jacket for a long time, something like this :D
    Loving this blog, definitely gonna follow :)



  22. Love this outfit! The sweater looks great with the leopard! :)

  23. love this look, especially the floppy hat!

  24. awesome outfit!! love your leopard pants!!!

  25. awhhh i'm so in love with your sweet post yesterday! it made me really happy and i now that i discovered your blog i think i'm addicted. allllll your posts are too cute to be true and i love your look and style.
    you are a natural beauty babe, a real unique look which i love to picture! if i was a designer or something, you definitely would be my muse. you are breathtaking dear!
    i'm your new follower.
    lots of love,


  26. Absolutely amazing outfit! Those pants are so rad!!


  27. Thanks for your sweet comment and following! Really like your blog too, so I'm following back ;) x

  28. wonderful look.
    very fashionable :) I adore the hat and the pants with sweater so much :D
    And this kind of coat is great as well ^-^

    loves, London & Paris

  29. you have a natural beauty, believe me! you look so lovey and sweet even with leopard leggings and fur boots (which I really like, by the way).
    as for the gluten free diet, i have a friend who had stomach aches every time she ate non-gluten-free food. now she has embraced a gluten free diet and she had noticed positive improvement! :)

    we could follow each other if you want to, i really think your blog's so lovely!

  30. love your outfit <3

  31. baby you are stunning like so much trousers!!
    come and see my Milan Fashion Week and i'd be very happy if we follow each other!!:)
    kiss i wait u!


  32. Oh my gosh, I actually CANNOT BELIEVE that you are following my blog! I have loved yours for long I can't even tell you how excited this makes me. :) It's also really exciting that you now have your own domain and everything now!

    Anyways, that coat just looks so soft and comfy I want to curl up in it and sleep.

    Your change to eaten gluten-free definitely sounds like it will make your stomach feel better, so that is wonderful. I love healthy food oddly enough. Try bell peppers and tzatziki, it's delicious.

  33. amazing :) i love your outfit :)

  34. Those trousers look so comfortable! Such an effortless look x

  35. Cute pictures, I love your blog! Those leggings are awesome too! :)

    Principessa Gabriella

  36. You are a beautiful soul. I love this post.
    I've been trying to eat less gluten lately. It's just not generally healthy for most people especially not in large quantities. I am glad you found the fix for your aliments. Most of the time we forget as a human race that most our aliments are a direct result from our eating and our bodies will tell us what it can or cannot handle. It is our job to listen to these cues and not medicate them away. Congrats to you. I am so happy you found your problem and have no more tummy aches!

    That floppy hat is to die for. Love this whole look.

    Thank you for your beautiful words on my blog.

  37. love love love your hat!!!

  38. Anonymous28.2.11

    I think you were born in the wrong era! You rock the 70s vibe faaar too well! xx

  39. awesome outfit! just found out your lovely blog!

    -new follower-


  40. thanks for stopping by me. your blog is incredible. and such nice outfits too. love the top and the hat.
    hope you had a nice weekend
    take care

  41. ! ♥ amy,

    Thanks for the lovely comment. I am so glad it led me to your blog! Your writing is so musical and captivating. It's a pleasure reading about your daily adventures. I hope your teeth and your tummy are mended, and please provide us more with delicious morsels of food porn.

    ps. did i mention yet that i love your aesthetic? because i totally do.
    ♥ laura

  42. Firstly, beautiful shots, I love the colour palette of your outfit and those leopard print pants are the SEX.

    Glad to hear a change in diet is helping you - it's not as difficult to be gluten free as many people think I imagine? There are so many alternatives. And food is such a big contributing factor to well-being, attitude and lethargy definitely, aside from weight. Good luck with keeping it up! :) jazzy ♥

  43. I love this outfit! you look awesome and so pretty! x

  44. Oh, you look so lovely! The coat and the floppy hat are just amazing:)

  45. Awwww i love the hat, and the little bit to short t-shirt with the pants! Really cute combi !

    Maybe you can follow my blog to!

    Love Miriam

  46. You've got amazing style! Thank you so much for following me! I always feel like I don't deserve such fashionable people following me :) Anywho, I'm following back! xx

  47. Hi Amy! Thank you so much for your really nice comment.. :) I hadn't seen your blog before but it's really nice,I will back when I have time to read maaany posts!
    Thank again for becoming a follower,most bloggers with 1000 plus followers,like you,don't bother to follow blogs like mine..! :P
    I write too sometimes... if you go months back in my blog or by clicking on the label,you'll se my writings.But lately I don't have much inspiration..but I'll check yours for sure!!

    Kisses! (p.s. your button is so beautiful!;))

  48. aw gosh I absolutely love that coat, my friend has a similiar one. Also I may steal your hat it's so sweet on you xx


  49. Oh my goodness the boots are from a thrift store?! They are AMAZING, a sis your blog- following! Hope you visit back :)

  50. omg!! I like your style!
    love the hat!!

  51. I adooooore your coat and your pants!

  52. Your blog is amazing :D
    Consider me as your new follower !


  53. Hope your having a lovely Monday XOXO

  54. Amy, you and KD are so cute! I love your leopard pants. :)

  55. Your leopard leggings are amazing. I hope your tooth is better now! :)

  56. You girls are too cute!!! Love your outfit and those pants are sexay! Those photos were taken right in front of the church I got married in too LOL, such a small world :)


  57. Super great outfit!

  58. i love won ton soup!
    you look superb <3

  59. love this, your clothing and especially your writing are wonderfulwonderful.

  60. AH! I love your leaopard print pants! I totally want!


  61. gorgeous post. i love the peep of colorful socks. thanks so much for stopping by...you have a fabulous blog.


  62. Love your boots in this post-amazing...good luck on the contest...just voted for you :-)
    Love K

  63. You look fabulous! Just gorgeous, Love your boots!

  64. Anonymous5.3.11

    I love this look. it's so well put together. I really like the whole slouchy sweater looks. Great photos too. I'm so glad I came across your blog.

  65. hi cutie!!

    I work at loulou magazine and just got the email that you're following the mag on twitter-- part of my job is to follow our followers. anyways, it reconnected me with your blog! and i passed it on to my (fashion coordinator) colleague. Glad to see you're doing well!


  66. and p.s just read the gluten free bit and i totally understand ;) While im not gluten intolerant, i had surgery a few yrs ago for apendicitus and caught a severe intestinal infection in-hospital and i have had tummy troubles since. unfortunately mine are a little less "predictable". So i totally sympathize with your situation and especially this little excerpt:I've went to bed with hellish sensations and awoke with a cursed stomach. couldn't have said it better myself in terms of cursed lol! life's not fair. but alas...it's good to address it, deal with it and move forward :)

    Best of luck on your new food chapter!


  67. Anonymous5.4.11

    Plain and simple! I like your work!

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  69. gorgeous and trendy dress!!! I have really liked the print of your legging.footwear is also very trendy. have you worn red and pink colored socks? I could see only little bit. if yes, why have you worn different colored socks in your feet?

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

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