where roses, daisies, and the tiger lilly meet,


For my entire life, I did not believe I was capable of finding love.  From the day I held baby dolls, to the day I first fell for the boy with petal-like eyelashes, I never thought love would have me. I suppose, I imagined love to be only the fancy of poets, and playwrights, in the same way a trip to Europe is a fancy for the traveler.  As if love was it's own continent, with it's own residency, vacant for some at 16, others in adulthood; and for the unlucky ones, never once traveled to.

I thought I would be the world traveler, never to find the sun in hand holding, and never to find the moon in soft kisses from a boy.  I thought I'd forever find true love only in the books I read, the airplanes I took, and in the dreams that brought me to far away places. I knew I'd meet many men, some suitors, and some forget-me-nots along the way, but I never thought I'd settle for one.... Or even that one would settle for me.  I always imagined bearded boys, with words that soothed like poetry,  but never imagined I was worthy of such a companion, and sometimes, I even envisioned myself growing bored of every lover I would meet.

I knew I wanted something more out of my life. I needed more than a subtle weakness for a petal eyed boy. I did not want my life to be a series of puppy love crushes.... You know the kind, like the one you acquire when the boy kisses you on the playground, and you write his name in arrows on your English homework. I needed something more...  a best friend, somebody that was mad for me, and willing to walk in the garden even when there were rain clouds.


When I closed my eye lids, and fashioned myself a boyfriend, he was strong like a mountain but didn't use fists, he was concerned like a doe when walking by wildflowers, his lips would move to the letters of my favorite song, and he'd acknowledge the womb he came from.  When I imagined his hair, it was soft with curls and auburn hue, his cheeks would be my favorite place to peck, and his beard would be my nest. He'd remember my birthstone, and know all of my history. He'd let me nap on his shoulder, let me walk in my plain clothes, let me dip my french fries into melted chocolate, he'd love all of the animals, all of my bruises, and he'd never love another girl before me, or after me. He'd sweet talk me onto pillows, he'd never wander too far, and above all, I loved him too. 

Now that I have waded into the waters of love, I have discovered something very important. You can close your eyelids forever, you can dream on, you can follow the beauty trail,  you can try to fall in love with a person's character, or you can let fate be your teacher. But no matter what you do, or how you do it,  you do not have control over who you love.

Love is more than the fancy of songwriters,  love is as real as you are I.  Sometimes, it stings like stealing a bee's honey, other times, it's an ornament lover's wear, but more often than not, love is a fragrance that never leaves our skin.   I cannot tell you, or him, or her, on who to love or how to love this person, all that I can say is please don't share these words unless you mean them.  
"I love you, I love her, I love him, I loved" 

I've often wondered why someone would say "I love you", as if it was the equivalent of saying "Hi, you're pretty, let's eat honey on sandwiches or something." or "Hey girl, I want to lower your gown, and be with you in my bed."  The words I love you are far mightier than any cobra chasing a rat, or any mushroom growing on a muskeg. Love is not meant to be written over a facebook chat to a girl with porcelain skin, that's never met your heart. Love is greater than that. Love is meant to be kissed across the back of the girl who knows you best.

Keep your words, the way you keep your toothbrush, your teddy, or your face cloth, keep them hidden and in secret, until you've found someone worth sharing your world with.  I've only spoken words of love to those who've raised me, to all of the garden plants I want to grow, and to the man who brought me these flowers.

...Oh, and my dogs.

My mind is running over with thoughts of love, and companionship. Maybe it's because this dress reminds me of the color I wish my wedding dress to be. Not quite white, and not quite pink.   The dress was sent from www.sheinside.com   It's very romantic! And because I'm in the mood of love, you can purchase something from she inside with an exclusive reader's discount!   Here's 20% off just by entering coupon code AMY20 at checkout, it expires April 30th!


  My mum and I had a blast taking these photographs, the dress is so full of fabric it can be used as a cape or a hat over your head.  The flowers were gifted from Carter, a way of saying "I'm sorry" after a fight we had.  They sure make a beautiful prop! 

What are your thoughts on Love?


What I Wore
Dress | She Inside | Sponsor
Glitter Wedges |  Aldo | Birthday Gift
Pink Faux Fur | Forever 21 | Birthday Gift
Flowers from Carter
Milkmaid braid done by my Mum


  1. This was so beautifully written. My heart melted multiple times. I especially loved your description on your ideal companion.


    p.s. that dress is one of the prettiest things i've ever seen

  2. You look absolutely gorgeous! I love the dress, it would make a beautiful wedding gown :) and the flowers are pretty perfect too, you are lucky.
    Have a good day x

  3. All I can say...is this is beautiful. So beautiful.

  4. amzing photos
    and loving those shoes ♥


  5. I loved that, so beautiful and well written. Runaway Thrift is having a giveaway through March 29th, check us out!

  6. amy, your mum has an eye for taking majestic photographs. i may not hold my words of love, & speak them too easily, or perhaps without knowing someone, as well as someone else would say i should, but when i say it, i mean it. from the depths of my heart, in that moment, whether it's a friend, a family member, or someone i've never yet met, in person. :)

  7. All these pictures are so fantastic and what you say is so true !

    Love the first picture so much. You've got something of Jennifer Lawrence

    See U !

  8. love these photos
    everything is so beautiful
    that dress is so nice

  9. This...this was a beautiful and very touching post. & having it paired with this somewhat ethereal dress is close to perfection.


  10. Your mom has a WONDERFUL eye! Really! And this is such a beautiful post not just with the photos, the clothes, but the words. So deep...so truthful...and thoughtful. Something you don't usually come across o a fashion blog. I really appreciate this post in all of it's truth and beauty. Love is something special. I though I had found love when I was younger but it wasn't meant to last. But sometimes you have to taste the waters of love...find suitors....to find the ONE.


  11. Beautiful words and beautiful pictures, as always! That dress is fantastic and such a pretty shade of light pink. It looks great on you.

  12. such a cute post! love the dress!!


  13. These photos are so lovely; be sure to tell your mom that she did a beautiful job! :)

    I don't think I've ever really, truly loved a boy before. I thought I did at times, but each and every time it was just infatuation. Not real. Not lasting. No deeper than his eyes, cute hair, sweet smile, or the way he'd look at me. Sometimes I wonder why I waste so much emotion on someone who I know I would never commit to for forever...it makes me realize that I really should save up all the beautiful feelings for someone who deserves them. I shouldn't pick a flower before it blooms.

    This was such a beautiful post, Amy. I adored it and read it over again. :)

    Maria Elyse

  14. absolutely gorgeous! love the dress so much. you are so pretty


  15. That was SOOOO beautiful <3 OMG I love your writing so much. And that dress, oh that dress! xx

  16. Such an enchanting insight on love! Your dress is absolutely heavenly.


    You are beautiful


  18. Glad you sorted your blog out!!!
    Being in love makes me feel accomplished... I can't do whatever I want and feel like I won't fail. :)


  19. You are a poet! And so, so gorgeous!! I believe in every word you wrote, especially the bit about having no control over who you love. No truer word has ever been spoken, our hearts completely make our minds up for us. Thanks for such a beautiful and inspiring post and the photos match perfectly.

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  20. You're just awesome, this dress is amazing, your hair are wonderful une your outfit are always amazing !
    I really love your blog !

  21. you look so GORGEOUS :)

    this is such a lovely post*


  22. You....you have SUCH a way with words. Have you ever thought of writing a book? You'd be an amazing writer...you ARE an amazing writer. This post was beautifully written Amy, and the photos were such a great way to tie it all together. That first photo with your dress blowing in the wind is magical.

  23. Lovely outfit ! I love the colors. Really nice.

  24. I love your hair so much <3

  25. amazing post! you are soooo beautiful!

    new outfit post on my blog: I'm waiting for u!

  26. Thank you for the lovely blog comment! Your blog is wonderful, you are the one that looks angelic-like! You are so naturally beautiful!

    Lots of love

    Jade xx

  27. Anonymous25.3.12

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! Love this outfit - you look lovely.



  28. Anonymous25.3.12

    I love this post. It is so magic.

  29. Beautiful Amy,

    I love your Blog, and I love your pretty words. Your photos are inspiring, and you have the loveliest face I have ever seen. You are romantic, sweet, and poetic. I especially lvoed this post, because you have described my husband down to a tee (except for the beard... Although it does make an appearance every now and then).

    You are a gentle romantic soul, and your musings and wanderings make me smile. I long for the days when I can return to my sewing, my poetry, and my painting.

    You are inspiring <3

    Love and light, and may you have many more beautiful flowers and dresses,


  30. Anonymous25.3.12

    From hair crown to Milkmaid , you are bewitching..utterly.. and fully.. from the heart..to the hair..

  31. Wow...you are a writer. You drew me in with this post, and you can count on me as a follower now!
    The Sheinside dress is just as lovely and romantic as your words. What gorgeous photos as well, you are a vision! It certainly would make a beautiful wedding dress one day haha.

    Trendy Teal

  32. Amazing pictures hun. Great blog by the way.
    My Blog:

  33. You are a cute girl with an amazing dress!

    it would make me very happy if you watch out my newest post and let a comment :) here is the link: http://www.aboutblackponies.com/2012/03/first-sunlight-of-spring.html

  34. Beautiful photos! I would like invite you to me! Follow each other? =]

  35. such a pretty dress!


  36. You are absolutely gorgeous! You do such justice to a darling flowing dress. And being a wordsmith quite helps the overall essence of the post too.


  37. I absolutely love all of these photos. And the dress is to die for.

  38. what an awesome blog you have here! :) chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it! <3
    this is a really fabulous outfit!

  39. Anonymous26.3.12

    Hi Amy,

    Nice blog. We love your style.

    We’ve been taking note of your style and we've come to be wonderfully addicted to it.
    We'd like to invite you as our 1st group of fashionista to join WhatIWear in a conquest to inspire the world,changing one wardrobe at a time.

    Click HERE to become a member - www.whatiwear.com
    Or check our blog at blog.whatiwear.com

    Here are some members who have already joined us.
    Anastasia Siantar - brownplatform.com
    Andree Judd - avantgardien.tumblr.com
    Willabell Ong - paledivision.blogspot.com
    Marie Hamm - themavenpost.blogpost.com
    Paris & London - themadtwins.blogspot.com
    Alyssa Lau - theordinarypeoples.blogspot.com
    Nadine Drexler - whengreengrasswasyellowonpictures.com
    White Lace - whitelace.ro
    Becka Häggblom - sunshineinnorth.blogspot.com
    Michalina Z - stook-pook.blogspot.com
    Jessica C - westmountfashionista.com
    Claradevi Handriatmadja - luce-dale.com

  40. True Love is worth waiting for. I think this post touched on the most beautiful thing in human existence, Love. Without it what are we good for?

    I've also never understood how a person can say I love you and not understand the implications of the words. A Facebook chat? If you have to tell somebody you like them or *love* them over a Facebook chat then you are juvenile and stupid.

    Love is such a grande thing and I am thankful to also know how it feels. I've been with my husband for 7 years, and I would not want to know I had said I love you to anybody else. He is the only man for me and I know he feels that I am his only woman. If you say I love you too many times, don't the words losing meaning? Shame on anyone who doesn't wait to say the words.

    Anyways, you are a beautiful and magnetic human being. Whoever ends up loving you and keeping you is a very lucky man.

    Greetings from across the Prairie border. xx<3xx

  41. Omg I love the outfit. So feminine and romantic. I love the pink purry jacket, it adds a vintage chic touch to the outfit. I just found your blog, you have such a lovely style! I'm definitely following you now on GFC! If you get a sec, I'd love if you'd check out my blog =)

    Suzie Q
    Style Cue by Suzie Q

  42. gorgeous dress! it looks stunning on you!

    Hayley xx

  43. Anonymous27.3.12

    oh my oh my oh my. everything about this post is absolutely stunning! You look so beautifully ethereal in the pictures! i love it :) The outfit is incredibly pretty


  44. You look absolutely stunning Amy!! I just love that dress on you. And your flowers from Carter are lovely too.

    xo Ashley

  45. you look lovely! gorgeous dress! xx


  46. Just gorgeous! The dreamy hair, the floaty dress- so romatic and girly...just makes me want to dance in a field :)

    Great blog, I'm now following xxx

  47. Love you blog, is the cutest thing!!!

    Love it!

    Tons of love from http://thelookedover.blogspot.mx/

  48. LOVE YOUR BLOG <33
    i'm following you
    mind to follow back? :)


  49. that dress and coat are like a dream together!

    Steffys Pros and Cons

  50. You pretty much summed up my whole idea of love. You have such beautiful words. Thanks for sharing.

    found the route

  51. You write so beautifully, I'm glad you found your love :) And that dress is just too lovely to describe, I'd feel so romantic in it. I love your style, it's so ladylike and full of romance.

  52. you look gorgeous - beautiful pictures !!

  53. you look stunnng! so gorgeous photos - I love it so much!
    please visit me in free time:)

  54. This post is just all around too beautiful for words. The photos, writing, but then again, that goes for all your posts. x

  55. This is such a lovely dress! I love the movement of it in the photos, so pretty!

  56. I love your blogs, when I see your beautiful pictures & poses it makes me want to pick up my sketch pad again & draw. You are so lovely & pure it makes me smile! In a world filled with depressed & angry youth it is so refreshing to see one with so much depth inside.

    Bless you & thank you!

  57. Anonymous3.4.12

    More than just beautiful. I love the hair the dress, the setting. These pictures are gorgeous!


  58. Love love love this look! You look amazing! And I love what you wrote! So beautiful!


  59. I knew I wanted something more out of my life. I needed more than a subtle weakness for a petal eyed boy. I did not want my life to be a series of puppy love crushes.... You know the kind, like the one you acquire when the boy kisses you on the playground, and you write his name in arrows on your English homework. I needed something more... a best friend, somebody that was mad for me, and willing to walk in the garden even when there were rain clouds.
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