*peachy lace in january*

Bonjour! and hello to the new week.
A gown of white is dressed among the once dirty hills. I spend my days wishing for summer, and early morning rises.  I set my alarm early, but without the sparrows chirping, and the 5am sunrise, my body sees pointlessness in waking.  I surely miss the dirt that lives beneath the sun. I miss the bugs that climb on blossoms. I miss bending the grass in the backyard while watching clouds travel. I miss summer dresses.

I am tired of the carefulness in winter.  To dress, one must layer for warmth.  To drive, one must wear a helmet. I cannot even fathom exploring in this weather.
To escape the clouds cover, and the chill of falling snow, I sit by my fireplace.

The flames are eating firewood, and Im eating a pickle.

Although the winter can make me bitter, and lonely, and frostbitten. Its still beautiful to look at. The crystals shining, the spilling clouds, the snowflakes on branches.
Every season holds its own magical song.

Now for the outfit. These are my (delightful) pink shorts. They are lace and meant for summer days.  Life is precious, and not long enough to wait for Summer skin.  I found them on the lingerie racks of Forever 21. The delicate lace & the femininity of  peachy colors make for (one of) my favorite outfits..ever.

The legwarmers are a Christmas gift from my sweetloving friend, Alexis. I know beautiful people.

As I float through these days of wonderment, and winter blues. I eat cookies and creme kisses, swallow ginger ale fizz, and spend hours writing&reading poetry about the fluffy white snow.

I KNOW a place where summer strives
With such a practiced frost,
She each year leads her daisies back,
Recording briefly, “Lost.”

 A week ago, I was warmed by a letter. To my delights, I received a note from China. My dearest friend Nicholas wrote to me. He sent kind words alongside Chinese characters, and McDonalds coupons.  (Nicholas.. The only good thing about not seeing you is that I can write you letters.)

Letters are beautiful. Simple works of art. Sometimes, I wish I had arrived before technology.  I could write letters all day, and anticipate the postman. However, in wishing for this, I wouldnt have a blog, and I certainly wouldnt be writing to you. . . . I love technology!*

Flyingakite has reached 1000 followers!*
I am so tickled.
My deepest love, and gratitude ..

(cookies and creame) kisses !!

what i wore
beige blouse- goodwill thrift $3
faux fur vest- bluenotes $15
pink lingerie shorts- forever 21 $18
legwarmers- christmas gift
brown open-toed heels- casablanca $40
facebook/ twitter/ bloglovin


  1. Anonymous9.1.11

    Heyy(: congratulations on your 1000 followers (: you totally deserve it! You are truly inspirational - from your outfits to your writing to your photos! I love what you wrote here I too am ready for spring and summer but can't help admire wonderful snowfalls that allow me to catch little tastes of love on my tongue(:

    I too wish I could write letters everyday! I love getting a crisp envelope with kind words from friends and family(: it is truly heart warming! To receieve a letter from china mustve been so exciting(:

    - maebell

  2. Anonymous9.1.11

    you look so adoralbe! i love the natural lighting! the peachy tone is perfect! so romantic and feminie!
    i love letters too! back to the basics...
    and last but not least congrats on the followers!


  3. wowww congratz for your followers. you deserve it exactly :)
    adore your outfit as usual :)

  4. Anonymous9.1.11

    Favorite girl by far. Your posts are always femine and you appear delicate with your rosy cheeks
    And those pink shorts o my! Only you can pull such an outfit and make it rockin
    I love you!

  5. Ummm. Those lace shorts are absolutely adorable! I love it! <3

  6. i used to collect pretty letter pads and still have some of them left.

    nothing beats a handwritten letter!
    i miss them :(

  7. Your fur jacket is so cool :D


  8. Love your skirt :)


  9. Very, very cute :)) M.

  10. Cute outfit...congrats on all your followers!

    xoxo Monroe

    Fashion Steele NYC

  11. Those lace shorts are gorgeous on you.
    YOu have the best hair

  12. Anonymous10.1.11

    I am happy your back to feeling healthy. Back to blogging! Ive missed you!

  13. love your outfit. you always look fabulous :)


  14. Anonymous10.1.11

    You look beautiful but don't catch cold! x


  15. Amy i love your comment ^_^


  16. wow, what a dreamy beautiful outfit!! you are gorgeous, and I love your blog!!


  17. Lovin' your lil' peach lace shorts....how gorgeous they are!!!! And your hair is stunning! Love how you styled this whole look..it's soo rockin!!!
    xoThe Beckerman Girls


  18. I love the color palette of this outfit! The shorts are particularly adorable :)

  19. Anonymous10.1.11

    I love reading your blog. I never had the flair for words, and yours is beautiful, to say the least. Congrats on the 1000 followers!

    xoxo, http://heelsandwedges.blogspot.com

  20. I am so incredibly smitten with your blog! Great post.
    xoxo Maddie

  21. this outfit is stunning!!


  22. how soft all the colors :D
    lovely and feminine :D

  23. Congratulations dear, and you gained one follower ;) haha. Love the colours in the outfit, and you have a beautiful face!

    x funkydoris.blogspot.com

  24. hi darling
    im following you too ;)
    you're so cute
    hope you're having a wonderful beginning of the week

  25. thank you for your comment:)

    wow, you have such a great blog and your outfit is amazing !
    loooove the skirt.
    I follow you :)

    xo lala


  26. lovely outfit and letters are great! I agree with you! but I couldn't live without tecnology!


  27. Anonymous11.1.11

    What lipstick? Its pretty

  28. You look so cute! Love the colors by the way; and I'm so in love with your shoes!! It's so pretty!

  29. I agree.
    Letters are better than text messages or e-mails.

    Love the frilly coral shorts!

  30. you deserve MOOOORE followers :)

  31. congrats on reaching 1k followers! that is awesome. i really love this outfit- the shorts are SO cute, and i love their texture with that of the vest. ~joelle

  32. Absolutely gorgeous skirt!

    Love this whole look!


  33. That skirt is so pretty. you look very nice

  34. I had never write comments on blogs that I visit, but your blog it very nice, so thank you have written this article very useful, keep writing and I wait for your next post.
